High Schools

Volleyball: Valparaiso Comes Out on Top Over Michigan City Wolves 3 – 2

Volleyball: Valparaiso Comes Out on Top Over Michigan City Wolves 3 – 2 The Valparaiso Vikings Girls Volleyball team triumphed over the Michigan City Wolves 3 - 2 on Thursday night in an intense set of matches at Valparaiso High School.  The Vikings won the first, fourth, and fifth matches while the Wolves won the...

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Northwest Indiana cross country runners race into the season at the Jack Bransford Invitational

Northwest Indiana cross country runners race into the season at the Jack Bransford Invitational Boys and girls cross country teams from across Northwest Indiana gathered at Kesling Park in La Porte for the Jack Bransford Invitational. The runners gave it their allon the cool summer morning.  La Porte hosts this invitational every...

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Valpo Vikings triumph over La Porte Slicers in double overtime boys’ soccer match

Valpo Vikings triumph over La Porte Slicers in double overtime boys’ soccer match The Valparaiso Vikings and La Porte Slicers played a long, but very strong, match on Wednesday night in Valparaiso.  At half time, the Slicers were up 1-0. The Vikings upset that with 25:55 on the clock when they scored their first goal, making...

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