A La Porte County Life in the Spotlight highlights people around our community who go the extra mile to make La Porte County a better place to live. If you know of someone who is going above and beyond, someone who is truely doing great work in the...
10 Fun Things To Do This Weekend in Northwest Indiana: Popcorn Festival, Viva! Celebration, and Super Smoke Social
Each week we will be bringing you 10 fun things to do in Northwest Indiana over the weekend, so you are never without something to do! Valparaiso Popcorn Festival Valparaiso Community Festivals & Events (VCFE) 34th Annual Popcorn Festival will...
A La Porte County Life in the Spotlight: Don Glossinger
The Michigan City Public Library’s staff and frequenting patrons are ecstatic to have Don Glossinger as their Director. A proud vice president of the Sinai Temple and Lions Club, Glossinger’s role as a director in the library is not the only tie...
Northwest Indiana Red Cross Volunteer Aids in Hurricane Relief
As a volunteer for the American Red Cross, I'm down helping relief efforts from the aftermath of Hurricane Isaac with the Red Cross. Follow updates of the progress via my Twitter feed @parrotheaddad5! September 6, 2012 Consolidation was today's...
10 Fun Things To Do This Weekend in Northwest Indiana: Labor Day Festival, Varsity Football, and Snow White Opening
Each week we will be bringing you 10 fun things to do in Northwest Indiana over the weekend, so you are never without something to do! Announcing Labor Days Festival in Washington Park The Michigan City Summer Festival is bringing four days of fun to...
A La Porte County Life in the Spotlight: Diana Dibkey
Diana Dibkey has helped the community of La Porte County for a large part of her life. With a major in psychology and a minor in business, Dibkey has helped raise child abuse awareness and prevention through working in Saint Joseph’s Prosecuting...
My Family Express Social Media Plan
Family Express has been around for a while in the region. I am not sure when they started, but they seem to dot the map from La Porte to Monon and just about all points in between. I think it is great that they want to plant a flag on the social...
Teamwork and Positive Attitudes – Amazing How Related They Are
I am often accused of being hopelessly optimistic, even delusional at times. One who sees the silver lining in a storm cloud that actually contains a zillion watts of energy that is about to strike down on me in the rain, while I happily dance and...
10 Fun Things To Do This Weekend in Northwest Indiana: Taste of Porter County, Tour de La Porte, and Dancing with the Stars
Each week we will be bringing you 10 fun things to do in Northwest Indiana over the weekend, so you are never without something to do! {valpo}2012 Michigan City In-Water Boat Show {/valpo}{portage}2012 Michigan City In-Water Boat Show...
A La Porte County Life in the Spotlight: Mary Rini
Mary Rini has been working for the Swanson Center since 2006 and could not be any happier about her position as the Director of Outpatient Services for La Porte County. This community center helps children, teens and adults cope with the daily...