11:00 am - 12:00 pmChesterton NorthShore Health CenterLearn more about diabetes and physical activity. We will go over different types of exercising and review the benefits of movement.
Nutrition & Exercise
NorthShore Health Centers’ Diabetic Education Group: Physical Activity
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | 5:00 pm - 6:00 pmNorthShore Lake Station Health CenterLearn more about diabetes and physical activity. We will go over different types of exercises and review the benefits of movement.
Understanding Nutritional Labels with NorthShore Health Centers
Join us as we learn to understand the nutrition fact labels on food and beverage packages. once you understand what nutrition labels tell you, you will be able to make healthy dietary choices!
Diabetic Diner – hosted by Northshore Health Centers
Tour de La Porte 2023 begins
The Tour de La Porte will begin on Friday, August 25, and continue through the weekend. The event, hosted by the La Porte County Family YMCA, raises money for those in need of financial assistance for youth and healthy living programs.
Learn how healthy eating can reduce your cancer risk at free Franciscan Health virtual seminar
Diet is thought to be responsible for about 30 to 40 percent of all cancers. A Franciscan Health Cancer Center dietitian will describe the role nutrition plays in cancer prevention at a free online seminar. The seminar will be 9-10:30 AM CST on...
Yoga in the Gardens begins June 11
Free baby & me exercise class
This postpartum class enables new parents to share their fitness with baby ages six weeks through crawling. Our postnatal fitness expert takes you through an enjoyable workout and provides you with a series of exercises to do at home. Baby & Me...
Walk your way to fitness with St. Catherine Hospital’s Well Walker’s club
This walking club is for adults over the age of 18. You will receive a FREE pedometer when you join. The monthly meetings feature guest speakers discussing a wide range of healthcare topics. The Well Walker’s Club meets at these times and...
Walk your Way to Fitness with St. Catherine Hospital’s Well Walker’s club
This walking club is for adults over the age of 18. You will receive a FREE pedometer when you join. The monthly meetings feature guest speakers discussing a wide range of healthcare topics. The Well Walker’s Club meets at St. Catherine Hospital,...