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Heart to Heart with Franciscan Health

Heart to Heart with Franciscan Health

Event Information

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Franciscan Health is hosting a free, educational heart screening event during American Heart Month aimed at helping Region residents better understand and manage their cardiac risk.

The Heart to Heart event is scheduled to take place from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 22 at Innsbrook Country Club, 6701 Taft St. in Merrillville.

Cardiothoracic Surgeon J. Michael Tuchek, DO, FACS, will share information about the importance of patients knowing their blood pressure readings as well as their cholesterol and blood sugar levels and how they can all impact heart health. Dr. Tuchek will also explain the benefits of a heart scan and how individuals can lower their risk of heart disease.

Free breakfast and chair massages will also be available.

The screenings will consist of a finger stick blood test and blood pressure reading with a blood pressure cuff. An 8- to 12-hour fast prior to the screening is recommended for the most accurate results.

The event is free, but pre-registration is required as seating is limited. Attendees may register for the breakfast and presentation only or a heart screening followed by breakfast and the presentation.

Registration is available online.

Innsbrook Country Club


  • 6701 Taft Street
  • Merrillville, IN 46410

Franciscan Health

2050 N Main Street Suite B
Crown Point, IN 46307
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