These puppies arrived at the Michiana Humane Society on March 13 in a big plastic box. Since then the pups have eaten about 200 pounds of kibble, received 16 Parvo/Distemper vaccinations, and they've all had their spay/neuter surgeries. This past...
Michiana Humane Society
A Note from Michiana Humane Society: Warm Your Heart!
We debuted a new Michiana Humane Society video at the Spring Fling last weekend! If you haven't had a chance to watch it yet, I invite you to click here and be taken to the video on our website. Be sure to turn on your sound, and view it full screen...
A Note from Michiana Humane Society: Update on the Spay/Neuter Initiative
At last evening's Board of Directors meeting, I informed the members that in the first two months of 2015, the Michiana Humane Society has been responsible for 63 dogs, cats and rabbits being spayed or neutered. That compares to 125 in all of 2014....
A Note from Michiana Humane Society: Mr. Baggins, Certified Therapy Cat
It seems that some of the pets adopted from the Michiana Humane Society answer to a higher calling in life. So it is with Baggins. He and his siblings were found in a box sealed up with duct tape and left in a ditch. They were brought to MHS and put...
RSVP by March 11th for the Michiana Humane Society’s 17th Annual Spring Fling
Come take a spring safari ride with us! Cocktails, dinner and live auction March 21, 2015 Pottawattomie Country Club 1900 Springland Avenue Michigan City *Dig for diamonds during cocktail hour and bid on amazing items in a live auction over dessert!...
A Note from Michiana Humane Society, Making Friends
Pets who are surrendered to the shelter sometimes fall into depression. Imagine if your family gave you up. Karen Edwards, our Director of Shelter Management, has a rule. As long as the dog or cat can make friends with just one staff member, we can...
Save the Date for Michiana Humane Society’s 17th Annual Spring Fling
A week in a 2 bedroom home (sleeps 4) in San Miguel, Mexico with a full day tour in Guanajuato. An evening in Chicago including 2 tickets for Carousel at the Lyric Opera, dinner at Ruth's Chris and an overnight stay at the Palmer House Hilton. A...
A New Year, A New Start for Our Pets
The overpopulation of unwanted pets in our community continues to grow. As a result, the Michiana Humane Society has resolved to make changes so that our pets do not contribute to the problem. Beginning January 1, 2015, thanks to our generous donors,...
Holiday Greetings from Michiana Humane Society
Shelter alumni Max and Phoebe pose with just some of the many beds, treats, toys and cases of food that generous people have brought to the shelter over the past few weeks to make sure that all of our animals have a Merry Christmas! In the best of...
Get in the Holiday Spirit at the Michiana Humane Society!
Tonight only, Santa photos! Bring your pets and your kids -- all we ask is a donation to help us care for the animals. Take your own photo, or have our photographer do the work! Also tonight, gift wrapping! Once again our talented volunteers will...