The Greater LaPorte Ministerial Association invites the community to participate in a Lent series titled, “20 Minutes with God”. The services will be at Noon on five Wednesdays starting Feb. 20 and ending on March 20th. The services will include...
Liberty Bible Church of La Porte Hosts “Prayer for the City”
People turn to their spiritual faith for a number of reasons; be they happy or sad, personal or affecting thousands. And they show their faith in different ways with prayer, music, dance, body art, meditation, clothing choices, and more. At Liberty...
“Prayer for the City” Event
The Pastors and Churches of LaPorte would like to invite the city to gather for a "Prayer for the City" event on Thursday January 3, 2013. One of the most significant things that happened over the last year, were that the churches of LaPorte started...
The Christmas Experience with GracePoint
On December 23rd, GracePoint presents an incredible night of Christmas! Three services, 3 pm, 5 pm, and 7 pm, will celebrate the reason for the season through an unforgettable experience that will feature special guest The Jesus Painter. A children's...
Church Moves into the La Porte Movie Theatre!
Liberty Bible Church-LaPorte is excited to announce that we have started services at 608 Colfax Ave (former LaPorte Lion Cinema) Worship begins at 10:00am on Sunday's. We provide an excellent children's ministry for Nursery through 4th grade each...
La Porte Community Thanksgiving Service November 18
The Greater La Porte Ministerial Association invites everyone to the 2nd Annual Community Thanksgiving Service. This year's service is scheduled for Sunday, November 18 at 6:30pm at First United Methodist Church--1225 Michigan Ave.--La Porte. Pastor...
October Updates from the Greater La Porte Ministerial Association
25 pastors and ministry leaders gathered for the October meeting, hosted by Bethany Lutheran. President Mike Sutton opened in prayer and then introduced Rev. Mario Bustos, Rev. Rich Schmidt, and Rev. John Santoro as representatives from P.A.D.S., a...
La Porte Minister’s Association Elects New Officers
The Greater La Porte Ministerial Association elected a new slate of officers at a recent meeting. Elected were: President: Pastor Mike Sutton (Liberty Bible Church La Porte) Vice-President: Pastor Dennis Meyer (Bethany Lutheran Church) Secretary:...
No Walls Service Amazing Success
Seven churches from LaPorte combined their Sunday Services this last Sunday for what they called, “No Walls Service”. Over 800 people gathered for this service at the LaPorte County Fairground pavilion. Praise and Worship was led by the praise...
“No Walls” Service Held this Weekend
We are excited to announce the “No Walls” Service will be held this Sunday morning at 10am at the LaPorte County Fairgrounds. This worship service is a combined service for many of the churches in LaPorte and will include: worship, teaching and...