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Top 10 feature articles on LaPorteCounty.Life in 2019

Top 10 feature articles on LaPorteCounty.Life in 2019

Looking back on the year at LaPorteCounty.Life, it’s truly amazing how many good things are constantly happening in our community. We’ve profiled hundreds of people for Life in the Spotlight articles, heard from our #1StuddentNWI students, and generally been around to find the good news happening in the community.

Do you have good news you'd like to share with us? Visit  https://greatnews.life/share and we'll take a look! 

Without further ado (and in no particular order!), here are the top 10 feature articles from LaPorteCounty.Life in 2019!

Fellow educators: we need daring classrooms and daring schools

“Hey, y’all.”

I should have been prepared for that charming greeting, especially after this Hoosier girl had already been introduced to tacos for breakfast, Topo Chico, longhorns on the front of SUVs, intense humidity, and southern hospitality. But the humble and kind hello struck me because I knew who it was coming from.

#1StudentNWI: "A Night of One Acts" at Marquette Catholic High School

Casey Martin, Marquette Catholic High School social studies department teacher and coach for Blazer Baseball, wanted a way for the Marquette community to donate to a cause that would benefit American veterans.

#1StudentNWI: November at Westville High School

Everyone’s favorite time of the year is here! The month of November is a lively and joyous time for the Westville community.

Cancer Survivor Series: Esther Lewis

In January of 2019, Esther Lewis, then 39, found a small lump in her breast. Having dealt with swollen lymph nodes before, she thought this lump was most likely that. But being cautious and proactive, Lewis sought confirmation that would end up saving her life.

#1StudentNWI: Forming character and giving back at La Lumiere

La Lu’s JV and Varsity girls volleyball teams held their annual Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser Games. The girls put together a raffle for exciting gift baskets including a Pink Basket, Polaroid Basket, Beats Basket, and a famous homemade cheesecake. All proceeds from the event went to the Side-Out Foundation.

Cancer Survivor Series: Joe Blandford

A bell’s ring is a short sound, but resonates through time. It can be symbolic of the end of something, but also the beginning of something else.

Rush in the Region: Michigan City's Lighthouses

Michigan City’s lighthouse and pier have become a staple in Northwest Indiana. So much so that it’s the first thing people think about when they hear those two words, “Michigan City.” Each year, the city’s lighthouse and pier headlight are greeted with visitors from near and far. What many don’t know is the rich history of the lighthouses that have served the Michigan City harbor since the 1800s.

#1StudentNWI: Escape room coming to La Porte, look back at County Fair

The 174th annual La Porte County Fair took place from July 7th through July 13th at the La Porte Fairgrounds.

New Prairie High School holds pep rally to honor nicest teacher

Teaching can be a thankless job. The position comes with long hours and often little appreciation for the amount of work good education requires.

Blair Milo remembers former Indiana Senator Dick Lugar

I was a rising high school senior when Senator Lugar’s leadership first fanned the spark of love for this country I’d begun to discover through Girls State. By getting to join a symposium of ideas with fellow students, hosted by Senator Lugar and moderated by thought leaders in policy development, I was enthralled with the complex challenge of serving a country as beautifully diverse as America.