
While we like to be everywhere good news is happening, we’re only human. That’s why we rely on you to help us spread it! From feel-good stories about kids getting Christmas wishes to expert opinions on the things happening in your community, GreatNews.Life has been helping amplify voices in the community since the very beginning.

Pitfalls of Pride (how to be humble and not let the title get to your head)

Pitfalls of Pride (how to be humble and not let the title get to your head) On my desk, at the corporate office for the health system I work for as well as in my office at home, I have a small scrap of paper taped down. All it says is ‘pride,’ with a circle around it and a line through it.  Like ghostbusters, I...

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Purdue Northwest community statement on racial injustice

Purdue Northwest community statement on racial injustice HAMMOND and WESTVILLE, Ind. – Purdue University Northwest (PNW) released the following statement, which was developed collaboratively by representatives of its students, faculty and staff. A message from the Purdue Northwest Campus Community...

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UnitedHealthcare is Committed to Providing Support During COVID-19

UnitedHealthcare is Committed to Providing Support During COVID-19 A recent New York Times editorial — “How Health Insurers Can Be Heroes. Really.” — makes the case that health insurers have an opportunity to distinguish themselves during the COVID-19 crisis. We’re not sure if companies can be heroes, but...

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