
While we like to be everywhere good news is happening, we’re only human. That’s why we rely on you to help us spread it! From feel-good stories about kids getting Christmas wishes to expert opinions on the things happening in your community, GreatNews.Life has been helping amplify voices in the community since the very beginning.

Jessup: Changes Will Come to South County – Are We Preparing?

Jessup: Changes Will Come to South County – Are We Preparing? “I want things to stay just like they are.” “If you aren’t planning for your future, someone else is.” These 2 adages are heard a lot around South La Porte County. The slower pace and conservative views have served our communities well in...

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Links of the Week: HowStuffWorks Cashes In, Meditation Apps, and What Your Voice Sounds Like to Other People

Links of the Week: HowStuffWorks Cashes In, Meditation Apps, and What Your Voice Sounds Like to Other People With the finalization of the Kyrie Irving - Isaiah Thomas trade this week, it seems the NBA off-season is, finally, mostly over. The off-season, from the NBA Draft until the dog days of August, represents a time for fans to see what direction their...

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Links of the Week: Judge Judy, Mayweather vs. McGregor, and Superhero Movies Have Officially Jumped the Shark

Links of the Week: Judge Judy, Mayweather vs. McGregor, and Superhero Movies Have Officially Jumped the Shark After this weekend it will all be over.* On Saturday, Conor McGregor will attempt to bring his MMA talents into the squared circle to face off against the undefeated Floyd Mayweather in a boxing match over two years in the making. In April 2015,...

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Links of the Week: The Solar Eclipse, Rotten Tomatoes, and What Happens When Silicon Valley Takes Over Journalism?

Links of the Week: The Solar Eclipse, Rotten Tomatoes, and What Happens When Silicon Valley Takes Over Journalism? So the there will be a total solar eclipse on Sunday, as you may have heard. I have to be honest, I haven’t ever been too excited about eclipses. I don’t know what it is - I remember distinctly being at Flint Lake Elementary School when an...

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Links of the Week: Jennifer Lawrence, Facebook, and Why I am Not Giving Up on Football

Links of the Week: Jennifer Lawrence, Facebook, and Why I am Not Giving Up on Football I was *thisclose* to giving up on football this year. Once a DirecTV Red Zone Channel addict, I spent much of last year not watching football at all. There were a few reasons: the Bears were bad. I got rid of cable. I started needing more time on...

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Links of the Week: Hypnobirthing, Hyperloops, and Can We Make It to Sunday without Game of Thrones Being Spoiled?

Links of the Week:  Hypnobirthing, Hyperloops, and Can We Make It to Sunday without Game of Thrones Being Spoiled? I’m having a baby. We’ll, not actually. My wife is. Today actually marks Day 1 of the third trimester, so things are starting to pick up. Related: I am getting a crash course in all things “dad.” Basically all of my free time is being spent...

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