Due to the recent outbreak in Lake County of the COVID-19 virus, REGIONAL will be reducing our hours of operation for our Hammond Branch ONLY through the rest of the year. Our Hammond Branch lobby will be open from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m....
Regional Federal Credit Union
How to Stop a Romance Scam in its Tracks
Millions of people go online in search of romance, and while it does work out for a lot of folks, there are also plenty of fishy people lying in wait, pretending to be interested in a relationship for the sole purpose of stealing your money (or...
Regional member update
REGIONAL will be reducing our hours of operation from 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Monday through Friday) in drive-up lanes. Saturday hours will remain the same (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.). The change in hours is temporary, and...
Regional Responds: We are all in this together
COVID-19 Relief Program REGIONAL is driven by the concept of “People Helping People.” We are dedicated to making lives better, helping businesses thrive, and serving our community. These are extraordinary times, and extraordinary times call for...
Fraudulent Emails and Website Imitate NCUA Name, Logos and Design
The National Credit Union Administration has received reports of an online phishing scam that uses a website with a logo and a design similar to the agency's own site in an attempt to convince unwary customers to provide information or send money....
2015 Annual REGIONAL FCU Meeting and Board Elections
Directors up for reelection this year are Dennis Bond and Andy Vasquez. Anyone wishing to run for the REGIONAL Board of Directors must contact REGIONAL President/CEO Jill Banning at 219-989-7202 for requirements and steps to complete by Monday, March...
REGIONAL federal credit union Team Members Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk with Community Involvement
The REGIONAL federal credit union team takes pride in its involvement with a wide variety of organizations making an impact within Northwest Indiana communities. Whether through its award-winning Student Credit Union program, involvement with area...
2014 December News from REGIONAL Federal Credit Union
You've been nice: Holiday Auto Loans and Personal Loans are here! You've been good all year. Don't you deserve something special? How about a great rate on an Auto Loan? Right now at REGIONAL, we've got rates as low as 1.95% APR* for new, used or...
November 2014 News from REGIONAL Federal Credit Union
You've been nice: Holiday Auto Loans and Personal Loans are here! You've been good all year. Don't you deserve something special? How about a great rate on an Auto Loan? Right now at REGIONAL, we've got rates as low as 1.95% APR* for new, used or...
Keep Tabs on Your Account with eAlerts from REGIONAL
Did you know you could set up automated email alerts for your REGIONAL account? Simply login to Online Banking and select "Member Alerts" from the "Online Services" menu, and click "Setup a New Alert" to get started. Not an Online Banking user yet?...