What’s recently happened? As January quickly progressed at La Lumiere School (La Lu), the Lakers were ready for February and winter activities to begin. Once the Lakers returned to the classroom, the second semester was quickly underway,...
Avery Tegt
GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Holidays and service at La Lumiere
What’s recently happened? As December progressed at La Lumiere School (La Lu), finals quickly approached and so did all other end-of-semester festivities. The end of the first semester culminates with Christmas dinner on the Wednesday before...
GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Holidays and winter season are approaching at La Lumiere
What’s recently happened? As winter approaches at La Lumiere School (La Lu), so have all of the fun winter festivities. With traditions like Thanksgiving Dinner and Bookstore Basketball coming to a close, the basketball season is busy as...
GreatNews.Life Student Voices: The madness of the basketball season starts now at La Lumiere
What’s recently happened? The beginning of the winter sports season has begun at La Lumiere School (La Lu). The season officially kicked off on October 25 with Marsch Madness. This year was the 15th annual event, located in the Historic...
GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Fall festivities at La Lumiere
What’s recently happened? Fall at La Lumiere School (La Lu) has officially started with a plethora of activities. With fall sport seasons nearing their end and the exciting start of basketball season just around the corner, the Lakers are...
GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Orientation week and fall traditions at La Lumiere
What’s recently happened? The school year at La Lumiere School (La Lu) is in full swing as after school activities, clubs, and academics have started. After an amazing orientation week, academic classes started on August 21 and everyone has been...
GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Upcoming Orientation Week activities as summer comes to an end at La Lumiere
What’s recently happened? The series of events that La Lumiere School (La Lu) sponsored in La Porte was a success! This summer, La Lu decided to sponsor La Porte’s Arts in the Park. This is the second year that La Lu has sponsored Arts in the...
GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Freshman orientation, summer camps, and more exciting summer events at La Lumiere
What's recently happened? While summer at La Lumiere School (La Lu) looks a little different than other schools, it is still busy as ever. With freshman experience, summer camps, and preparation for the upcoming school year, La Lu never slows down!...
GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Summer has begun at La Lumiere
What’s recently happened? As the school year at La Lumiere (La Lu) School came to its end, the plethora of activities and traditions were abundant as ever. With the upcoming prefects being announced at the beginning of May to senior...
#1StudentNWI: Spring sports and end of school activities at La Lumiere
What’s recently happened? As the school year comes to an end, many of La Lumiere School’s (La Lu) end of school traditions are coming to completion. In April, La Lu always has the Taste of La Lumiere, the Spring Gala, Senior Retreat, and...