"In the future, everyone will have fifteen minutes of fame" - Andy Warhol paraphrased. As guests filtered into Blue Chip's Stardust Event Center Saturday night, they were greeted by a room sparingly lit. The room lights mostly dimmed, event attendees...
AJ Capuano
NorthShore Health Centers Says “Happy Birthday, Baby!” With Kids’ Carnival
NorthShore Health Centers kicked off summer with a day of family fun at their 3rd Annual Happy Birthday Baby! Celebration Thursday morning. The event celebrated new patients who are around one year of age with a carnival and refreshments. The fun...
NorthShore Health Centers Says “Happy Birthday, Baby!” With Kids’ Carnival
NorthShore Health Centers kicked off summer with a day of family fun at their 3rd Annual Happy Birthday Baby! Celebration Thursday morning. The event celebrated new patients who are around one year of age with a carnival and refreshments. The fun...
St. Catherine Hospital Celebrates 90 Years in East Chicago With Public Health Fair
It was a birthday celebration truly fitting with the mission that birthed St. Catherine Hospital over ninety years ago. In keeping with their ninety-year commitment to superior patient care, St. Catherine Hospital held a wellness fair Tuesday, as a...
Michigan City High School Seniors Triumphant at Annual Grand March
An excitement was in the air, palpable enough to feel on your skin. The proud seniors of Michigan City High School donned their caps and gowns for their annual panoramic photo Thursday morning, to the delight of their peers, their teachers, and an...