High Schools

U.S. Marines National Interscholastic Basketball Conference Series coming to the La Porte Civic Auditorium Jan. 6-8

U.S. Marines National Interscholastic Basketball Conference Series coming to the La Porte Civic Auditorium Jan. 6-8 On November 4, the City of La Porte and Mayor Tom Dermody announced that ESPN and the National Interscholastic Basketball Conference (NIBC) will be coming to the Civic Auditorium from Jan. 6-8 for three days of elite prep basketball. This event is a...

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Cross Country runners from around the Region compete in the DAC Championship

Cross Country runners from around the Region compete in the DAC Championship The La Porte High School Slicers may not have won the Duneland Athletic Conference Cross Country Championship on Saturday, Oct. 2, but they scored big with the two conference winners. Cole Raymond, a La Porte High School senior, and Brenna Sobecki, a...

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Hubner Hall of Fame welcomes five new members for their contributions to La Porte

Hubner Hall of Fame welcomes five new members for their contributions to La Porte The Hubner Hall of Fame welcomed five new inductees during a special ceremony Friday evening before the La Porte vs. New Prairie football game.  The honor was bestowed to four athletes and one coach, who included Jim Dermody, Mayor Tom Dermody,...

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Merrillville Boys Track & Field comes out on top for 2021 Regional Championship

Merrillville Boys Track & Field comes out on top for 2021 Regional Championship Regionals is an important day for all sports as it determines who gets to go to state, and for all teams, that is the ultimate goal. On Thursday, the Regional Boys Track & Field meet was held at as Crown Point High School and hosted...

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