
Meet Dr. Rivera, Practicing Physician at NorthShore Health Centers

Meet Dr. Rivera, Practicing Physician at NorthShore Health Centers Dr. Rivera has been a practicing physician in the Lake Station area for over 30 years. His hobbies include photography, reading, and some carpentry. He loves watching old black & white movies, and movies based on true events. He really enjoys the...

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American Red Cross Celebrates National Blood Donor Month by Thanking Dedicated Donors

American Red Cross Celebrates National Blood Donor Month by Thanking Dedicated Donors Blood and platelet donors honored for helping ensure a stable blood supply January is National Blood Donor Month, a time when the American Red Cross recognizes and thanks the millions of dedicated blood and platelet donors across the United States...

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Meet Elizabeth Marcotte, Nurse Practitioner at NorthShore

Meet Elizabeth Marcotte, Nurse Practitioner at NorthShore Elizabeth joined NorthShore as an RN after completing her Bachelor's degree in nursing. She worked as the Nurse Manager until her desire for hands on patient care led her to go back to school to complete her Master's degree. After obtaining her...

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