
While we like to be everywhere good news is happening, we’re only human. That’s why we rely on you to help us spread it! From feel-good stories about kids getting Christmas wishes to expert opinions on the things happening in your community, GreatNews.Life has been helping amplify voices in the community since the very beginning.

Links of the Week: The Official Retirement of the Links of the Week Column (Unless Someone Steals It)

Links of the Week: The Official Retirement of the Links of the Week Column (Unless Someone Steals It) Well, it’s the end of an era: This will be the final Links of the Week you’ll ever read on the LIFE sites (... unless someone else takes the reigns. If they do, call them a copycat and know the OG will always look down on them). More importantly,...

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Links of the Week: News Bloopers, Artificial Intelligence, and 4 Ideas to Speed Up Baseball Games

Links of the Week: News Bloopers, Artificial Intelligence, and 4 Ideas to Speed Up Baseball Games Hooo boy, am I tired. Last night, the Chicago Cubs advanced to the National League Championship Series in a thrilling, 9-8 game that was exhilarating the entire time I watched. I tuned in during the sixth inning, roughly two hours after the game had...

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Links of the Week: Tom Petty, Screenwriting, and Traveling via Rockets

Links of the Week: Tom Petty, Screenwriting, and Traveling via Rockets I am on the search for new podcasts, and I want *you* to suggest a few new options. I like listening to comedy podcasts, politics (left, right, and center!), sports (mostly NBA), and I like a couple business-minded shows like HBR Ideacast and...

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Links of the Week: Chicago Cubs, Consumer Submarines, and Steve Urkel is Back

Links of the Week: Chicago Cubs, Consumer Submarines, and Steve Urkel is Back There was a time when seeing the Chicago Cubs make the playoffs made me jump with joy. After seeing them win the title in 2016, this week's accomplishment just seems a little... dull. Maybe it is the length of the baseball season. They started...

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Links of the Week: Rolling Stone Magazine, Facebook’s Algorithm, and How Do You Stay Organized

Links of the Week: Rolling Stone Magazine, Facebook’s Algorithm, and How Do You Stay Organized How do you stay organized? I write a lot of things down. I am pretty particular about my email. I have calendars, to-do apps, texts/Facebook messages/calls, and all that jazz. There is a lot to keep track of out there, and I manage to squeak by....

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Links of the Week: NBA 2K18, Amazon and Whole Foods, and A Whole Lotta’ Good News Happening in the Region

Links of the Week: NBA 2K18, Amazon and Whole Foods, and A Whole Lotta’ Good News Happening in the Region I usually use the Links of the Week space to highlight some of my favorite reads from around the web that doesn’t involve the LIFE sites. This week, though, there were a bunch of stories that I really enjoyed on our sites that I really enjoyed and...

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Links of the Week: Smokeboys, LinkedIn, and Adults Choosing a New Football Team

Links of the Week: Smokeboys, LinkedIn, and Adults Choosing a New Football Team How do you decide on a college football team to root for? I am under the assumption that most college football fans find their fandom in three ways: 1) genetics (Dad loves Notre Dame!), 2) you find your team while young for some weird reason...

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