
South Shore CVA Receives Three Awards

By: South Shore Convention & Visitors Authority Last Updated: May 15, 2013

2012-Air-ShowNew website, 2012 air show event poster lauded

The South Shore Convention and Visitors Authority recently received three awards recognizing their newly updated website and the 2012 South Shore Air Show event poster.

Through the Hermes Creative Awards, the South Shore CVA, received a Gold Award for the redesign of the South Shore CVA’s website. The Hermes Creative Awards’ Gold Award is presented to entries that exceed the high standards of the industry norm.

The Hermes Creative Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, an international organizations consisting of several thousand marketing, communication, advertising, public relations, media production and free-lance professionals.

The Communicator Awards presented the South Shore CVA their Award of Distinction for both the recently updated South Shore CVA website and the 2012 South Shore Air Show event poster. The Award of Distinction is presented for projects that have exceeded industry standards in quality and achievement.

The Communicator Awards are judged and overseen by the International Academy of the Visual Arts (IAVA), a 600+ member organization of leading professionals from various disciplines of the visual arts dedicated to embracing progress and the evolving nature of traditional and interactive media.


The South Shore CVA released the updated website on December 5, 2012, with a fresh design utilizing the South Shore Line poster series. According to the South Shore CVA’s President and CEO Speros Batistatos, the organization used the posters to pay homage to the history of the region. The website drew inspiration for design, layout and colors from the poster series, and has been matching current photography with the posters.

To view the website or to learn more about the South Shore Line poster series, visit