Michigan City High School Presents One City One Sound 2024

“The significance is it allows us to connect from the Kindergarten, elementary, and through the high school level and everyone gets a chance to see. We see a progression for the kids going from when they’re 5th grade and 6th grade up. It also is a recruitment tool that allows kids to see what the high school choir, high school band, and middle school bands and choirs look like. So it’s really nice to be able to give this nice little concert as a gift to the community that supports us so well throughout this, and it allows our programs to see each other and really clue in on what we could be and what we are and what we’re going to be in the future.” -Mr. Frank Gast. Michigan City High School Head Band Director.
“I felt the concert went extremely well. Everyone was very very well prepared. We had great rehearsals this morning to help us all get all together and get everything going for that. Every choir and every band did an excellent job so I have no complaints on any of that in terms of the significance of this event. What’s really cool is that the elementary and the middle school kids get to see what can happen and how their talent can progress as they move up into higher levels in high school. The high school kids can also take a look down memory lane and see, “Oh!, I used to sound like that, and there used to be my teacher, and I see my old teachers and I remember when we sang stuff like that in middle school and high and elementary school!” “So, just a well rounded gift that we get to give the whole community.”- Mrs. Michelle Howisen. Michigan City High School Head Choir Director.