Event Information
Join our interactive class where expecting moms, dads, and their supporting friends or family can practice caring for their bundles of joy. Clinical nurse educators with La Porte Hospital’s Birthing & Family Care Center will have mannequins on hand to help review best practices for caring for babies. Topics include transition of care (skin to skin); newborn tests and procedures; newborn appearance; skin, cord, and diaper care; bathing and shampooing; gagging and choking (bulb syringe use); and proper positioning (safe sleep and tummy time). The upcoming Newborn and Infant Care Class is from 10 a.m. – noon June 8, in the second floor prenatal classroom. Register at laportehealth.com/childbirth.
La Porte Hospital
- 1007 W Lincolnway
- La Porte, IN 46350