Event Information
You have excellent strategic ideas. You can visualize what success looks like. You are hungry to make it happen. But how do you do it?
About this Event
Business model design involves visual tools, process, and complex, strategic conversations. It requires a mindset that embraces exploration, experimentation, & iteration. Along with a willingness to fail & learn along the way. There is an absolute art to designing strategic conversations. It goes well beyond expert facilitation. It requires design!
This workshop will introduce you to tools and processes that are part of the foundation needed for Business Design Thinking. The same tools & process that we use with our clients.
During this hands-on session you will work as business designers on an innovation team for a well-known company. Using the Business Model Canvas you will flesh out the current state of the business & the mechanics of how the business works. Then you will collaborate with your team on a possible future state.
The workshop will conclude with 5 effective ways you can apply the Business Model Canvas to your own business, department, and team. Giving you a visual tool you can apply immediately to your strategy.
Why you should attend:
• Take away a powerful visual tool to add to your strategy toolkit
• Be exposed to a new way of working using visual tools & collaboration
• Engage and connect at a different level with the people you meet by collaborating & working together
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/innovation-workshop-introduction-to-business-design-thinking-tickets-83059185259
Society of Innovators
- 6100 Southport Road
- Portage, IN 46368