Home»Events»January Events»Community Healthcare System Farmers’ Market

Community Healthcare System Farmers’ Market

Community Healthcare System Farmers’ Market

Event Information

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Community Healthcare System is having a Farmers’ Market on the grounds of St. Catherine Hospital, with the kickoff event for a full summer of twice-monthly garden variety vendors from across Lake County. This project is being launched through collaboration with Legacy Foundation’s “Lake County Eats Local!” project to bring healthy fruits, veggies and other homemade goodness to local food deserts ~ of which East Chicago is one.

A food desert is described as a place where residents have limited access to healthful and affordable food. The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture defines a food desert as a spot that either has a poverty rate greater than, or equal to 20% or a median family income in urban areas, or 80% of the statewide median family income in nonurban areas. Also, at least 500 people or 33% of the population must live more than 1 mile from the nearest grocery store. In EC, residents have one major grocery store to serve them.

For their inaugural event, they will be featuring Mariela Bolanos, an EC-born chef who has been affiliated with MAD Social in the West Loop and US Foods. She returned to East Chicago to open Easy PEAZY, a popular restaurant.

Throughout the summer, they'll be featuring food demonstrations with nutritional information and health screenings! So FUN.