Imagine. Your team is dealt a band hand of cards. Everyone writes you off. Instead, your team wins big awards for innovation.
Doom sayers ask, "how did you pull it off?" Smugly, you reply: "We attended this year’s ForumCornucopia! There, we added tools to our innovation toolbox, discovered the breakthrough thinking process, and learned to leverage our creative problems solving strengths."
Now, back to reality. To reap this glory, you must sign up for the September 26th event at Purdue North Central in Westville, Indiana. Register by contacting the Center for Creative Solutions, Inc.™, forum sponsor, at 219-861-0955 or
Individuals and teams are welcome. It matters not whether you work at a business, school, non-profit or government agency, or faith-based organization.
Registration fees include presentations and activities, materials, FourSight assessment, breakfast and lunch: $100/individual; $250/2-3 person team; $300/4 person team; and $400/5 person team. Anyone from the faith-based community may be eligible for a special fee adjustment. Contact the Center for Creative Solutions, Inc. ™ for details.
The program begins at 8:30 a.m. and lasts until 3:00 p.m. in Room 144 of the Library Student Building on the PNC campus. The afternoon session will feature FourSight, a proven personal assessment that helps people break away from old habits and traditional solutions that no longer work.
ForumCornucopia 2013 is supported by the generosity of NIPSCO and B. R. Foundation. It is underwritten with a grant from the Bethany Lutheran Church of La Porte Foundation, Inc.
"This year, we really want ForumCornucopia to focus on cutting-edge, creative practices that can help teams become more competitive in the world. Creativity is the new economy. Those individuals, businesses and organizations that create will be the most successful in the 21st Century," said Cynthia A. Hedge, CEO of the Center for Creative Solutions, Inc.™
A non-profit organization, the Center for Creative Solutions, Inc.™ is a change management firm that offers facilitation and training in many areas: strategic planning, creativity and innovation, Creative Problem Solving; leadership; civility; conflict resolution; team building; ethics; communication; bullying and etiquette in the workplace. Clients include businesses, governmental agencies, non-profits and individuals.
For more information, contact the Center for Creative Solutions, Inc., 410 Franklin Square, Michigan City, Indiana, at 219-861-0955, or e-mail at