Home»Community»Education»Women in Leadership La Porte County Awards Brooke Baima with 2015 Scholarship

Women in Leadership La Porte County Awards Brooke Baima with 2015 Scholarship

Brooke-BaimaWomen in Leadership La Porte County has awarded their 2015 college scholarship to Brooke Baima, a senior at La Porte High School.

Brooke maintained a 3.98 grade average and showed exemplary leadership skills in her extra-curricular and community activities. Her activities included: President of the Hanna-Noble 4-H club; Secretary, Student Council; member of the Show Choir; Mixed Chorale; Spanish Club; Girl Reserves, and the National Honor Society. She has been volunteering at All Creature Features Veterinary Clinic in La Porte, and has been a participant in the Relay for Life.

Although Brooke’s grades were an important asset for her selection, her essay (a requirement for WILL‘s scholarship consideration) distinguished her above and apart from the other applicants. The Scholarship Committee was extremely impressed with Brooke and her written entry as to why her leadership skills gained in high school (as well as junior high school, and elementary school) will be of benefit to her while in college and in her chosen career goal as a large animal veterinarian.

Brooke has set substantial goals for her future which include owning her own clinic in La Porte County and using her leadership skills to interact with area 4-H and FFA organizations to instruct them regarding care for their livestock.

“I truly believe the leadership skills I have developed over the years have been for the greater good and will make me a noticeably more equipped college student,” stated Brook. ”My skills will allow me to take the initiative to complete my school assignments to the best of my ability and to stay focused.”

Brook will be attending Anderson University for her undergraduate schooling. In addition to the WILL scholarship, Brook received a scholarship from St. John’s Lutheran School, her elementary school alma mater.

Brook is the daughter of Charles and April Baima of La Porte; she also has two siblings.