Home»Sports»High Schools»Westville High School Offers Training Program for Their Athletes

Westville High School Offers Training Program for Their Athletes

Westville-BlackhawksAny athlete looking to increase their speed, power, agility, strength and quickness should sign up to attend a high-intensity training program for all boy and girl athletes in any sport in grades 7 through 12 at Westville High School. There will be 25 sessions running from April through July and the cost will be $25 per athlete (payable to Westville High School).

Training sessions held during April and May will held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from either 3:00 – 4:30 or from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Start times for sessions held in June, July, and August will be announced at a later date. Spring athletes that miss sessions due to their sport will be given a discount.

Due to a limited number of available spaces, priority will be given to Westville students. There will be a meeting for all interested athletes on Wednesday, March 27th at 2:45 in Room 21. For more information see Coach Alex Tomsheck at 219-785-2531.