Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»Water Features, Garden Displays to Inspire Guests at Annual Garden and Pond Expo

Water Features, Garden Displays to Inspire Guests at Annual Garden and Pond Expo

Illiana-Garden-Pond-SocietyWind twirlers, stone bird houses, hot tubs, outdoor fireplaces and yard art are just a few of the many exhibits that guests will encounter at the 13th Annual Waterscape Weekend Garden Pond Expo, scheduled from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 25 and 26, in the Industrial Arts Building at the Lake County Fairgrounds, 889 S. Court St.

Sponsored by the Illiana Garden Pond Society, the expo is an event that will inspire visitors to take backyards and landscaping to the next level, and mesmerize others with the incredible displays showcasing water features, lighting and garden experts.

Vendors will sell fish and equipment for water gardeners, plants and aquatics, glass art and gourd décor, lighting and irrigation options, and anything related to gardens and outdoor living enhancements.

In addition to vendors, visitors can connect with many local not-for-profit organizations that will be exhibiting, including garden clubs that will be advertising their upcoming garden walks and rescue groups that will be holding fundraisers.

Lake County Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer gardening questions. Educational seminars and workshops will also be available.

Adult admission to the expo is $5, and free for children under 15 years of age. Parking is free. More information is available at the club’s website, www.illianagardenpond.org, or contact Expo Chair Kathy Bartley at 219-789-6207.