Home»Entertainment»Arts»Uptown Art District First Friday Art Walk Continues October 4th

Uptown Art District First Friday Art Walk Continues October 4th

Michigan-City-Mainstreet-AssociationThe Michigan City Mainstreet Association presents the First Friday Art Walk in the Uptown Arts District on Friday, October 4, 2013 from 5pm to 8pm. The Art Walk features several businesses hosting an array of artists and entertainment for free enjoyment for visitors.

Marquette Catholic High School will be hosting a unique experience, exhibiting many of their student artists, at their new international student dorm facility, formerly the Hutchinson Mansion, located at 220 W. 10th Street. The Southern Short Art Association will be hosting Duneland Plein Air Painters at their gallery located at 724 Franklin Street. Enjoy shopping and art throughout the district, as well as pumpkin carving and painting at Trinity Episcopal Church, at 600 Franklin.

The Uptown Arts District spans from 11th Street and Franklin to Lake Michigan and many other businesses within that district participate in the event. For a full listing of all of the art being featured by local businesses, visit www.uptownartsdistrict.org.

The Michigan City Mainstreet Association (MCMA) is a nonprofit, membership organization dedicated to creating a vibrant and economically viable atmosphere for the historic downtown, Uptown Arts District in Michigan City, Indiana, as an exciting place to live, work, play, and invest.