Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church invites the children of our community to “Trunk-Or-Treat” on November 2nd, 2013, from 3pm-5pm, for children ages 1-12.
Beautiful Savior’s “Trunk-Or-Treat” event will be a fun, safe, non-threatening alternative to traditional Trick-or-Treating.
Parents are encouraged to bring their children, dressed in costumes if desired, to Beautiful Savior’s campus on November 2nd, 2013 beginning at 3:00pm. Members of Beautiful Savior will decorate the trunks and tailgates of their vehicles and load them with candy and treats. Parents are encouraged to walk from “trunk” to “trunk” with their children as they receive the candy. The scare factor will be kept to a minimum so parents may feel comfortable enough to bring their youngest of children.
For more information contact Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church at (219) 324-7442 or visit