The Keystone Light Friends of The BOB & TOM Show Comedy Tour presents a rotating ensemble of the world’s best comedians to stages all across America. Each live comedy show features several headliners heard on The BOB & TOM Show, one of the longest-running and highest-rated radio programs in America and the premiere radio showcase for today’s top comedians. Now in its 9th year, The Keystone Light Friends of The BOB & TOM Show Comedy Tour has performed more than 400 shows from coast-to-coast.
Hosted by Bob & Tom’s own Kristi Lee, The Keystone Light Friends of The Bob & Tom Show Comedy Tour in Valparaiso, IN will feature the following Bob & Tom comedians: David Dyer (, Greg Hahn ( and Rocky LaPorte (*
Memorial Opera House, 104 Indiana Ave. Valparaiso, IN 46383
Friday, March 27, 2015 at 7:00 PM & 9:30 PM
Tickets will be available starting on Friday, December 12, 2014 at 10:00 AM Central. Tickets may be purchased by visiting, calling 219-548-9137 or by visiting in person at the Memorial Opera House Box Office, 104 Indiana Ave., Valparaiso, IN 46383 (All tickets INCLUDE a $1 Red Cross donation). This show is recommended for those 18 years old and older.
About The Bob & Tom Show
The Bob & Tom Show is a lively, humorous program inspired by the day’s news, sports and topical lifestyle occurrences. The program also hosts many of the world's best comedians every weekday morning. Nationally syndicated by The Bob & Tom Radio Network, The Bob & Tom Show is one of the longest-running and highest-rated radio programs in America and one of the most award-winning morning radio shows, having been honored with seven Billboard Magazine "Personality of the Year" Awards, 11 awards from Radio & Records, and five Marconi Awards from the National Association of Broadcasters. In addition, Bob & Tom have released more than 60 comedy albums, CDs and DVDs, and expanded their brand with popular comedy tour live shows. Program schedules and additional information is available at