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The Advocate May 2013

May is Supervised Visitation Month

Harmony House/CASA will be switch-ing out our blue rib-bons for orange ones for the month of May. Our staff will also be wearing orange throughout the month as we recog-nize the Harmony House side of Har-mony House/CASA.

  • Supervised visi-tation allows parents in high conflict or high risk situations access to their chil-dren in a safe and su-pervised environment .Many providers have a location set up for visits and may be willing to go off-site to parks and other places fun for chil-dren.
  • Visit Facilitators are trained to handle emergencies and do not avoid confrontation.
  • Visit Facilitators work to be sure the visit is neutral and open for the child to have fun with the non-custodial parent.
  • Visit Facilitators will maintain a supervised environment for the duration, usually documenting the visit.


Quotes from some of our custody case parents:

What you guys do here is a blessing. I don’t know what I’d do without this place.

"I really appreciate what you do. You’ve given me my kids back.”

May Events

May 18th
We will be hosting a Fire Safety Day! Bring your CASA kids to Harmony House/CASA between 11:00-1:00. Firemen will be here along with their gear and their training house!

May 22nd
Harmony House/CASA will be holding a fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings. Let BWW’s make dinner for you and your family and 10% of you bill goes to Harmony House. Laura Swanson and Cheryl Highsmith will be there from 5:00-8:00 so stop on in and say hi!

Child Abuse Awareness Month

Harmony House/CASA placed silhouettes on the LaPorte County Courthouse lawn throughout the month of April to raise awareness for Child Abuse.

Big Mama’s Chair

Big Mama’s Chair was held at PNC on April 12th. Over 60 people showed to hear LaDonna Wattley speak about cultural diversity. It was fun, funny, and educational!

Phi Alpha Delta, a fraternity with the Valparaiso Law School, hosted a fundraiser to benefit CASA chil-dren in LaPorte County. Tom’s shoes were sold to Valparaiso Uni-versity students in an effort to raise awareness for the CASA program and earn free shoes for CASA chil-dren locally. Whitney Rhew, Vice Justice of Philanthropy for the fraternity, organized this successful event, which raised enough to give 10 local CASA children a new pair of Tom’s! Thank you Phi Alpha Delta!

Do you have something that you would like to see in this newsletter? Did you have a great CASA mo-ment that you would like to share? Email me, Laura Swanson, at lswan-son@lpcasa.com. I would love to hear from you!