On September 17, 2009, Kelli Longacre tragically passed away from a rare heart disease known as SCAD. A team was created in her memory to walk in the Porter County American Heart Association Walk to help raise money and awareness for heart disease!
In 2011, Team KELLI walked with nearly 60 walkers and raised over $10,000. This year's walk will take place September 29 at Coffee Creek in Chesterton. To date, we have raised over $9,600 and donations are still coming in daily!
The walk will begin at 9:45 am. There will be coffee, juice, and pastries provided just prior to the walk. Our team sponsor this year is Industrial Rents, Inc.
On behalf of Industrial Rents and our family, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to support our efforts to fight heart disease and prevent other from suffering a tragedy as our family did when we lost KELLI.
For more information, visit our team site here!