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SSCVA Board of Directors Election of Officers

lakemichiganThe South Shore CVA’s Board of Directors elected new officers at the Board Meeting on June 23, 2016 after the resignation of (former) Chairman Victor DeMeyer . Dale Johnsen was elected as the new Chairman, leaving the Vice Chairman seat open. The Board then elected Megan Cecil for the position of Vice Chairman.

Dale Johnsen, retired, is appointed by the Lake County Commissioners and Megan Cecil, Owner of Cecil Real Estate is appointed by the Gary Common Council.

Chareice White, Community and Public Relations Director for Majestic Star and Fitzgerald’s Casinos and Hotel remains the Secretary and John Kiernan, President of Calumet Brewery, remains the Treasurer.

The South Shore CVA Board of Directors meets once a month at the Indiana Welcome Center in Hammond. The next scheduled meeting will be held on July 21 at noon.