JUSF1 Powerboat race teams will descend on the community of La Porte for a weekend of fun and racing excitement June 3-5, at beautiful Stone Lake. The race will kick-off the USF1 Powerboat season. The weekend begins with a welcome boat parade and block party on Friday, June 3, and time trials on Saturday, June 4 with live music and fireworks over Stone Lake. Sunday, June 5, caps off the weekend with the Maple City Grand Prix finals and the awards ceremony.
USF1 Powerboats feature a combination of speed, power and technology. Capable of speeds over 140 mph, this category of racing features some of the biggest and most powerful engines in Powerboat Racing. From 0 to 100 in 6 seconds with 180 degree turning capabilities create force up to 5g's; that translates to boats reaching amazing speeds as they skim across the water turn on a dime! Tunnel boats are the fastest turning vehicles in the world.
Join the excitement! Partner and sponsorship opportunities are now available. Contact Brett Binversie (219)362-2325 or Thad Cutler (219)362-3178 for further information.
Interested in being a sponsor? Click the link below to see available sponsorships!