Home»Business»Development»South Shore Clean Cities to Announce Lake County BP Refinery Grant Awardees

South Shore Clean Cities to Announce Lake County BP Refinery Grant Awardees

sscc-iSouth Shore Clean Cities, BP-Whiting Refinery and a consortium of Environmental Groups are set to announce 10 Lake County organizations awarded grant funding through BP Whiting Refinery’s Cleaner Air through Diesel Emission Reductions (BP-CADER) grant program. The awardee celebration will be held Wednesday, Jan. 22, from 10-11 a.m. CST at the Indiana Welcome Center, 7770 Corinne Dr., Hammond, IN 46323.

Carl Lisek, Executive Director for South Shore Clean Cities expressed his delight over the positive outcome of the cooperation between the various groups.

“This is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the exciting diesel emission projects that will result from the BP-CADER grant program,” said Lisek.

Success in leveraging additional grant funding to expand the impact of the $450,000 BP-CADER grant fund will also be announced.

The announcement and presentation of grant awards will be held in the auditorium of the Indiana Welcome Center. For more information contact Deb Backhus, Sr. Environmental Scientist/Engineer for South Shore Clean Cities at 219-644-3693 or email dbackhus@southshorecleancities.org.