Baby its cold outside and Santa is getting ready to come to downtown La Porte! Applications and sponsorships are now available for the 2012 Santa Parade in downtown La Porte held on November 24, 2012 at 12:00pm. The parade is free to participate in and all groups are welcome to participate. The parade runs through downtown and ends at Santa’s Chalet and Santa’s Village.
After the parade, children can visit with newly arrived Santa, enjoy the holiday market, and stick around for the giant tree lighting at 4:30pm. Launching at the parade and going until Christmas, community members may pick up a form from the Chamber office to judge and vote for their favorite storefront for the holidays. The winning business will be announced after the holiday.
Applications are also available for Santa’s Village, a holiday market surrounding Santa’s Chalet, held November 24 from 12:00pm to the tree lighting ceremony at 4:30pm and every Saturday up to Christmas from 10am to 2pm. Santa will be in his Chalet those times as well available for visits with local children.
For more information or questions regarding the Santa Parade, Santa’s Village, or the storefront judging, please call the Greater LaPorte Chamber at (219) 362-3178 or email