Safety Pup from the Michigan City Fire Department lent a hand last week at the Michigan City Area Schools' car wash held to raise money for the United Way.
October is Fire Safety Month and Safety Pup cleaned up the Fire Safety House at the car wash!
Reminders for Fire Safety:
Stop. Drop. Cover. Roll.
Stop, don't run. Drop to the ground. Cover your face. Roll until the fire is out.
Check Smoke Detector Batteries.
Push the test button once a month. Change batteries twice a year when the time changes.
Don't Play with Matches, Lighters or Candles.
Keep matches, lighters, and candles away from children.
Know Two Ways Out.
Be aware of exits.
Practice EDITH Drills (Exit Drills In The Home)
Practice these drills often.
Keep Water Heaters at 120 Degrees.
Be sure to check heat settings to prevent scalds and burns.