Home»Community»History»Report of the meeting of the La Porte County Indiana Genealogical Society, May 2017

Report of the meeting of the La Porte County Indiana Genealogical Society, May 2017

lcigs-logoThe meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by the president, Dorothy Palmer. Sixteen members and a guest were present.

Patricia Harris passed out maps of the cemetery for June's tour. On June 13, at 6:00 PM, we will assemble at Webster Cemetery, just south of State Road 2 near 600 West. Access is through private property, but the home owners will welcome us. Please park carefully, following directions, and we will walk to the cemetery in a group. Laura Shields promised some interesting stories. The society plans to meet at the Satellite Tavern after the tour.

After a recess for refreshments, Harris spoke about the program, "Our Foremothers, Things we learned about them". Each member was invited to talk about what they had learned while researching their female ancestors. Laura Shields, Dorothy Palmer, Maggie Griswold, Barbara Backer, Ted Dolherty, Mary Jane Novak, Patricia Harris, Gloria Arndt, Joan McCoy, and Alan Zeller all shared their stories.

Keep up with the society on Facebook, "La Porte County Genealogical Society", or find our website at http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~inlcigs/index.htm.