Purdue University's Technical Assistance Program (TAP) will help Indiana companies take advantage of America's VOICe, an online business network and marketplace that is becoming a valuable supply-chain resource.
America's Virtual Opportunity Interchange Center (VOICe), funded by the U.S. Defense Department, is an e-marketplace developed exclusively for top industrial buyers, suppliers and service providers. It uses advanced Internet search and networking technology to connect members with resources for growth, create a pipeline to viable business partnerships and help participants leverage their assets and investments.
Although the public can search for members and opportunities on America's VOICe, only members can post opportunities and receive matches for opportunities from other members.
Purdue TAP has a member community on America's VOICe. To register, go to http://www.mep.purdue.edu/prod_services/VoICe
Businesses can get information from Purdue TAP or register for an hourlong webinar Oct. 11, Oct. 18 or Oct. 25 by emailing AmericasVoiceSupport@purdue.edu or calling 317-275-6083 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET Monday through Friday.