The City of La Porte is undertaking a Trails and Bicycle Facilities Master Plan to guide future development of walking and bicycle facilities. This is in an effort to increase the quality of life, economic development, health benefits, and environmental benefits for the citizens of La Porte.
The City of La Porte along with their consultant, Butler, Fairman and Seufert, Inc (BF&S), will be identifying the best routes for connecting visitors and residents to pertinent destinations (schools, parks, business, etc.) by way of bicycle and walking routes.
The project is currently in its draft plan stage to report on gathered data on where to place new bicycle and walking routes throughout the City. During this time the City and BF&S would like to invite the public to a meeting to review the draft plan and give feedback. Members of the consultant and the City will be available to discuss goals and objectives, need for the plan, potential routes and community connections. The meeting will be held at the following time and location:
A public meeting will be held October 29 at the La Porte County Public Library Large Meeting Room, 904 Indiana Ave. from 5:30-8 p.m.
If you would like to be involved and cannot make this meeting, there is a link on the City’s website where the public can learn more about the master plan process. Please visit the La Porte website to monitor the progress of the plan at
The City of La Porte and their consultants thank you for your time and look forward to meeting with you regarding this important project. If you have any questions regarding this meeting or the plan, please feel free to contact Brian Niksch, City of La Porte Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, for more information.