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Program on Subconscience Continues at La Porte New Church

La-Porte-New-ChurchWhat is your subconscious trying to tell you? One good way to find out is through your dreams.

On Wednesday, April 9, from 6:30-8:00 p.m., Dream Therapist Terese Fabbri will continue her dream conversations at La Porte New Church Swedenborgian, 812 Indiana Avenue. It doesn’t matter at all if you weren’t able to attend the March program, do plan to enjoy this next one while we continue to learn more about what our subconscious is trying to tell us. Terese shared that our dreams are perhaps the most impressive way that our subconscious mind gets our attention about important things that we’re too preoccupied to think about in our waking hours. We can learn to capture the dream and then decipher its particular meaning for us.

Then on Wednesday, May 14, Ange Benz will culminate the Health & Spirituality season with a talk on Angels Among Us, the final one until the program resumes on second Wednesdays in September.

For more information on this or any other New Church event or for pastoral care, email Rev. Billings at revkitbillings@comcast.net or visit www.laportenewchurch.org. Sunday worship and Children’s Sunday School begin at 10:00 a.m.. Newcomers are always welcome.