If joint pain is restricting your every-day activities, join us at Porter Regional Hospital for a free joint pain seminar from 1-2 p.m., August 17. Reserve your spot at porterjointcare.com. You may not need surgery at all for your joint pain. But if you do, the exercises below are some examples of the expert knowledge you’ll receive with a complete surgery plan at Porter Regional Hospital. As always, consult your physician beforehand.
Exercising before a joint surgery Many patients with arthritis of the knee or hip avoid using their painful leg. Muscles become weaker, making recovery slower and more difficult. Beginning an exercise program before surgery can help make recovery faster and easier.
Consult your doctor before starting pre-operative exercises. Below are just some examples of what your doctor may instruct you to start doing and continue until your surgery. Take 15 to 20 minutes, twice a day to do your exercises. Perform exercises on both legs. It is also important to strengthen your entire body, not just your legs before surgery. Strengthen your arms by doing armchair pushups because you will be relying on your arms when walking with the walker; getting in/out of bed and chairs; and on/off the toilet. Perform light endurance activities for your heart and lungs – walking for 10 to 15 minutes each day.
NOTE: Perform exercises to your tolerance level.
Quad Sets (one photo for this and gluteal sets exercise below) Knee Push-Downs
- Lie on back, press knee into mat, tightening muscles on front of thigh.
- Hold for 5 seconds.
- Repeat 20 times.
Gluteal Sets Bottom Squeezes
- Squeeze bottom together.
- Hold for 5 seconds.
- Repeat 20 times.
Hip Abduction And Adduction Slide Heel Out and In
- Lie on back, slide leg out to side.
- Bring leg to starting point.
- Repeat 20 times.
Heel Slides Slide Heel Up and Down
- Lie on couch or bed.
- Slide heel toward your bottom.
- Repeat 20 times.
Long Arc Quads Knee Extension
- Sit with back against chair, straighten knee.
- Repeat 20 times.
Armchair Push-Ups This exercise will help strengthen your arms for walking with a walker.
- Sit in an armchair.
- Place hands on armrests.
- Straighten arms, raising bottom off chair seat if possible. Feet should be flat on floor.
- Hold for 5 seconds.
- Repeat 20 times.
Straight Leg Raises
- Lie on back, unaffected knee bent, and foot flat.
- Lift opposite leg up 12 inches.
- Keep knee straight and toes pointed up.
- Relax.
- Repeat 20 times.