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Porter Regional Hospital Awarded Blue Distinction for Knee and Hip Replacement

Blue-DistinctionPorter Regional Hospital has been named a Blue Distinction Center® for Knee and Hip Replacement by Blue Cross Blue Shield. This award is given to medical facilities that demonstrate expertise in delivering quality healthcare.

This designation by Blue Cross Blue Shield is based on rigorous, evidence-based selection criteria established in collaboration with expert physicians' and medical organizations' recommendations. The goal is to help consumers find quality specialty care on a consistent basis, while enabling and encouraging health professionals to improve the overall quality and delivery of healthcare nationwide.

Blue Distinction Centers for Knee and Hip Replacement are awarded to medical facilities exhibiting a commitment to quality care, resulting in better overall outcomes for patients by meeting objective clinical measures developed with input from expert physicians and medical organizations. To date, Blue Cross Blue Shield has designated approximately 540 facilities nationwide as Blue Distinction Centers for Knee and Hip Replacement. These facilities offer comprehensive inpatient knee and hip replacement services, including total knee and total hip replacement.

This distinction recognizes the clinical talent in our Center for Orthopedic Medicine,” said Jonathan Nalli, CEO, Porter Health Care System. “Additionally, the comprehensive care that is provided to our patients is delivered through the collaborative efforts of nursing, rehabilitation medicine, physical therapy, anesthesiology patient safety and quality. We are very pleased and honored to have achieved this designation,” he added.

Porter Health Care System has two hospital campuses and seven outpatient facilities serving Porter, Lake, LaPorte, Starke, Newton and Jasper counties. With more than 350 physicians representing 50 medical specialties on the medical staff, Porter Health Care System is a leader in technology and overall patient care. For more information, please visit porterhealth.com.

Designation as Blue Distinction Centers means these facilities' overall experience and aggregate data met objective criteria established in collaboration with expert clinicians' and leading professional organizations' recommendations. Individual outcomes may vary. To find out which services are covered under your policy at any facility, please call your local Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan. To learn more about Blue Distinction®, please visit http://www.bcbs.com/ or contact your local Blue Plan.