Home»Health»Specialty»Porter Regional Hospital: 5 Ways to Start Your Year the Healthy Way

Porter Regional Hospital: 5 Ways to Start Your Year the Healthy Way

Porter-Regional-Hospital-5-Ways-to-Start-Your-Year-the-Healthy-WayIf your New Year’s resolution involved getting healthy in 2017, it can be hard to know where to start. Try these tips to get on the right track.

  • Schedule your annual wellness exam. An annual wellness exam gives you an opportunity to catch health problems before they start, discuss healthy living options with your doctor and set the stage for a healthier year.
  • Go meatless once a week. Eating a meatless meal every seven days can be good for your body and the environment. Make sure you replace meat with a vegetable-based protein, such as beans, nuts or whole grains, instead of processed foods.
  • Record your gratitude. On a slip of paper, write down one thing you’re grateful for every day, and keep the papers in a large jar. Next January, you will have a year’s worth of gratefulness to look back on.
  • Learn one new recipe. Look through your favorite websites, cookbooks or family recipes to find one you haven’t tried. Choose a recipe that features fresh fruits or veggies.
  • Walk for 15 minutes a day. Whether it’s getting to work early and taking a lap around the parking lot, committing to a brisk stroll during your lunch break or taking time to do so once you’re home, exercising just a bit every day can make a big difference for your health.

To help make 2017 your healthiest year yet, schedule your annual wellness exam. Need a doctor? Call (844) PPG-DOCS (774-3627) or visit PorterPhysicianGroup.com.