Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»PNCWA Fall Social to be at Shady Creek Winery

PNCWA Fall Social to be at Shady Creek Winery

Shady-Creek-WineryThe Purdue North Central Women's Association will host its Fall Social on Thursday, Oct. 18 at Shady Creek Winery 2030 Tryon Road in Michigan City. Members and non-members who are 21 years of age and older are welcome to enjoy this fun, casual event.

Guests may stop in any time between 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. to learn about wine making, have the opportunity to enjoy delicious appetizers, bid on favorite basket and taste some wine.

Fall Social tickets must be purchased in advance. Admission is $15 for PNCWA members and $20 for nonmembers.

To purchase tickets, send a check payable to PNCWA to by October 15 to: Purdue University North Central, Attention Laura Weaver, 1401 S. US Hwy. 421, Westville, Ind. 46391.