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PNC Panther Pounce Race Registration

PNC-Panther-PounceThe Purdue University North Central 9th Annual Panther Pounce 5K Run/Walk, 10K Run and 1 Mile Fun Run will be Sat. Nov. 10, at the PNC Westville campus.

Race-day registration and packet pick-up will begin that morning in the Library-Student-Faculty Building at 7:30 a.m. A one-mile Fun Run for runners age 10 and younger starts at 8:40 a.m. At 9 a.m. the 5K Run/Walk and 10K Run will begin.

There will be a Gold Cup 5K for ages 12 and younger and 10K for ages 13 and younger.

At 10 a.m. the awards ceremony for the 5K run will get underway with the 10K awards presented upon completion of the race.

Medallions will be awarded to the top three male and female winners in each age group. Trophies will go to the top males and females in the overall, masters and walkers divisions. All age 10 and younger participants will receive a ribbon.

This is a cross country style course with mixed terrain. Spikes are not recommended. Splits will be given at the first and second mile markers and water will be available at the 1.5 mile marker.

Registration is $20. Runners who pre-register by Nov. 4 will receive an event t-shirt. Registration of $20 will be accepted the day of the race, without a t-shirt. A discount rate of $15 each will apply for groups of five or more and families of three or more who pre- register together. There will be a $1 discount to members of the Calumet Region Striders.

Preregistration and payment can be completed online at http://www.pncathletics.com/f/Panther_Pounce.php or by sending a check payable to Purdue North Central to Purdue University North Central, 1401 S. U.S. 421, Westville, Ind. 46391; Attn. Athletics Office - Tom Albano.

Further information about the race can be obtained by contacting John Weber, race director, at 785-5200, ext. 5273 or jweber@pnc.edu.