Home»Entertainment»Arts»PNC Hosts Cheyenne Poet Lance Henson on Campus

PNC Hosts Cheyenne Poet Lance Henson on Campus

PNCPurdue University North Central will welcome Lance Henson, an internationally known Cheyenne poet, who will read from his work and participate in a discussion with PNC students and faculty on March 28, at 3:15 p.m. in Library-Student-Faculty Building Assembly Hall, Room 02. The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments with be served.

Henson, a native of Oklahoma who grew up living the Southern Cheyenne culture, is one of the most anthologized Native American poets in the world. His work speaks not only to the concerns of native peoples, but to problems of assimilation and diversity for all cultures.

He has published 17 books of poetry, half in the U.S. and half abroad. His poetry has been translated into 25 languages and he has read and lectured in nine countries. Henson served in the U. S. Marine Corps after high school, during the Vietnam War and is a graduate of Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts (now University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma. He holds an MFA in creative writing from the University of Tulsa.

Further information may be obtained by contacting Jerry Holt, interim chair of the PNC Department of English and Modern Languages and assistant professor of English, at 785-5200, Ext. 5346 or jgholt@pnc.edu.

Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Holt.