Home»Entertainment»Arts»PNC English Club Poetry Competition With Prizes

PNC English Club Poetry Competition With Prizes

PNC-StatueThe Purdue University North Central English Club will present its PoetryPalooza 2013 Competition and Open Mic event on April 18 in the Library-Student Faculty Building Assembly Hall, Room 02 from 7 to 9 p.m. This event is in conjunction with the Michigan City Public Library and Lubeznik Center as part of a week of events celebrating April, National Poetry Month.

All area poets are welcome to enter a maximum of three original works of poetry, three minutes or less in length, in the competition. There will be an entry fee of $5 at the door for each poem entered into the competition. Spectators and open mic participants may attend for $1.

Prizes will be awarded, with $100 for first place, $50 for second place, and $25 for third place.

During the competition, poets will read their poems for a panel of three judges. If time permits, there will be an open mic for anyone who would like to come show their talents with poetry, music, or other original works.

To pre-register for the competition, send an email including name, a couple of sentences about the poet, and an attachment of the poem to Alyssa Moskwa at amoskwa@pnc.edu with POETRY RSVP in the subject line of the email.

Pre-registration is not required; additional entries will be accepted at the event.

Coffeehouse-style refreshments will be available.

Further information may be obtained by contacting English Club President Suzie Bartholomew at sbarthol@pnc.edu. Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations should also contact sbarthol@pnc.edu.