June 9th is National Donald Duck Day – yep, there’s such a thing! In his honor I wanted to share this thought and encourage you to consider what truly makes you happy. We so often these days focus on the news, politics, pandemics and so many other negative conversations, that we forget to stop and be thankful; to be positive, to be happy. Take a moment and consider how truly blessed you are… go ahead take a moment. Maybe write down a few things that you are thankful for; things that make you smile. The world is an amazing place, full of amazing people, places and opportunities. Every day we have the opportunity to ‘pause’ and consider the blessings OR to continue in our rush and focus on the pressing things that distract us, aggravate us or the negative circumstances that are around us. I invite you this month to take a moment or an hour or maybe even a full day just to focus on your happiness and the happiness of those who you care about. Spend some time doing what you enjoy, what makes you smile. Spend some time with people who encourage you rather than those who suck the life out of you. Be intentional about being happy. Recognize how very rich you really are. Own it!
PATH: Message from the Executive Director

A Positive Approach to Teen Health (PATH)
Last Updated:
June 8, 2021