Home»Health»Medicine»Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Michael Leland Performs 700th Muscle Sparing Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery at Porter Regional Hospital

Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Michael Leland Performs 700th Muscle Sparing Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery at Porter Regional Hospital

Michael-LelandPorter Health Care System CEO Jonathan Nalli is pleased to congratulate Orthopedic Surgeon Michael Leland, M.D. on his 700th anterior hip replacement surgery at Porter Regional Hospital. The surgery was performed on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013.

This is truly a remarkable accomplishment and speaks to Dr. Leland’s well-established reputation as an exceptionally skilled and dedicated surgeon,” said Nalli. “His experience in muscle sparing anterior hip replacement surgery is unsurpassed in the region, and we are excited to celebrate his 700th surgery at Porter Regional Hospital.

During minimally invasive anterior hip replacement surgery, Dr. Leland performs a technique in which the total hip is replaced through a single incision at the front – or anterior – of the hip. This unique surgery spares muscle tissue, can reduce post-operative pain and often shortens recovery time. With this procedure, most patients are able to begin walking immediately after surgery. The surgery is possible using the special OSI Surgical Table available at Porter Regional Hospital.

Patients usually go home after surgery using a cane,” explained Dr. Leland. “Of course each patient is different, but most can resume full activity within weeks of surgery and do feel much better, much sooner with the anterior muscle sparing approach.”

Pleasantly surprised to be Dr. Leland’s 700th patient, Kathleen Drotar from Valparaiso shares her experience. “When Dr. Leland visited me right before my surgery, he told me that I was going to be his 700th anterior hip replacement surgery,” said Drotar. “As you may imagine, I was very nervous about having surgery and his news really made me feel good. With all of that experience, I knew I was in very good hands. My apprehension went away.” Drotar added that her recover and rehabilitation are going well and she is looking forward to returning her normal activities in approximately six weeks.

Dr. Leland explains that hip replacement surgery becomes an option for a patient when despite non-operative care, the pain persists and significantly impairs their quality of life. According to Dr. Leland examples of such patients may include a man who has golfed all of his life, but no longer can; a carpenter who can no longer climb a ladder to do his job; or a cardiac rehab patient unable to do his exercises. “These are examples of patients who desired to regain their mobility, improve their quality of life and live pain free once more. Thanks to minimally invasive anterior hip replacement surgery, their goals were made possible.”

To learn more about minimally invasive anterior hip replacement surgery at Porter Regional Hospital, visit porterhealth.com.