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NOAA, Coastal Scientists Visit Krueger

mcasKrueger Middle School in Michigan City was honored to welcome more than 30 scientists from NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and coastal programs across the Great Lakes states on Wednesday, September 12. The guests were in town as part of the Annual Great Lakes Coastal Zone Management Meeting, which was hosted this year by the IDNR Lake Michigan Coastal Program.

The visit to Krueger was a stop on a day-long bus tour organized by the Coastal Program to highlight sites and partnerships across the region. The visitors participated in a student-led hike showcasing the school’s Bird Trail activity centers, followed by a presentation and Q&A session by students and Environmental Science Teacher Daisy Lee. The presentation outlined Krueger’s award-winning environmental science initiatives, including the Living History and Field Days tours, cafeteria composting and recycling, monarch butterfly protection, and experiential learning.