This morning the American Planning Association announced their National Planning Awards for 2013.
It is a tribute to John Swanson's commitment to NIRPC, and a privilege for me as I begin my tenure, to announce that NIRPC's 2040 Comprehensive Regional Plan: A Vision for Northwest Indiana has been awarded the American Planning Association's Daniel Burnham Award for a Comprehensive Plan. This is an exceptional national honor, representing best in category among nationwide submittals.
The award will be conveyed this April during the National Conference of the American Planning Association, being held this year in Chicago. The APA's press release on the award is shown below.
This prestigious national recognition follows the awards the NIRPC 2040 CRP previously received from the National Association of Regional Councils ("Outstanding Achievement") and the Indiana Chapter of the American Planning Association ("Outstanding Plan").
The 2040 Comprehensive Regional Plan represents many hours of public engagement, commission deliberation, and hard work collaboratively shaping the future of Northwestern Indiana.