Local businesses have continued to step up to support non-profits even when they were experiencing closed doors during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown and a decrease in sales. Bob and Jeff Nielsen of Nielsen Kia Hyundai, for the 4th year, presented a check to Family Advocates for $10,000 this June, totaling a contribution of $49,000. Accepting the donation is Karen Biernacki, CEO of Family Advocates. The Nielsens stated that Family Advocates is, “A super organization that does tremendous good in our communities.” The donation will provide support for volunteers who represent abused and neglected children and mentors for at-risk youth. “Both Bob and Jeff Nielsen have been extremely generous in their support for Family Advocates and our vulnerable children in La Porte County. I want to express my gratitude on behalf of all of our volunteers and children we serve.” stated Karen Biernacki.
Nielsen supports Family Advocates